Interweave achieves conformance with the PRSB’s Core Information Standard

Shared care records help ensure that our health and care information, including medications, allergies, test results, can be easily accessed by different health and care organisations, resulting in more connected care. An accessible, more joined-up view of the person’s information helps deliver more efficient services by avoiding the need to repeat medical or social care history, appointments, and admissions.

Interweave has just become conformant with our Core Information Standard for shared care records, enabling more consistent way to support people as they move around care settings.

Interweave, designed and built by the Yorkshire and Humber Care Record as part of NHS England’s Local Health and Care Record Exemplar Programme, is the brand name of a shared care record solution in use across six Integrated Care Systems which together cover a total population of almost 9.5m – 15.3% of the population of England. Their solution comprises four components – Exchange, Connect, Portal and Analytics.

Exchange is at the heart of the Interweave portfolio, providing a hub of technologies that facilitate the shared care record. The Interweave FHIR Implementation Guide* has been developed to enable the sharing of data defined by the PRSB’s Core Information Standard version 2. This alignment of the global industry standard for passing healthcare data between systems (FHIR) and the UK standard for shared care records is another significant step towards ensuring the right people to access vital information in the right place at the right time.

Achieving this conformance allows Interweave to be at the forefront of data standardisation. It does not only symbolise their commitment to supporting interoperability between the many health and social care systems, but one that denotes their dedication towards the national goal of delivering nationally shared patient records.

Interweave believes that PRSB’s well-respected and increasingly recognised conformance accreditation will allow them to both retain and attract new partners to their shared care record solution.

Lee Rickles, CIO at Interweave, said: “At Interweave, we understand the importance of standards. When working with PRSB, their standards support us to build transformative solutions which meet the needs of our partners and enhance the patient experience.

“By implementing the Core Information Standard, we aim to deliver the right data to people who care for others, to support them in providing high quality standards of care and improve people’s health and care outcomes.”

Lorraine Foley, CEO at the PRSB, said: “We’ve all heard many stories on how ineffective information sharing between clinicians contributes to poor outcomes for people. If we are to achieve informed, timely, effective, and integrated health and care for all, we must start with ensuring that the person’s health and care information is available to the professionals involved in their care, wherever they are receiving care. We are delighted to announce that the Interweave Exchange solution supports the requirements of the Core Information Standard which signals a significant advance in the consistency and quality of data sharing.

“Huge congratulations to the Interweave team for achieving the PRSB Quality Mark and moving the dial forward on technical implementation, a first.”

*The Interweave FHIR Implementation Guide was originally developed using Care Connect STU3 standards and is now working to UK Core R4 standards. 

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