Update on care planning project
We are currently gathering evidence and good practice examples and seeking contributions from professionals across health and social care.
The PRSB is working in partnership with North West London Collaboration of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to develop the Integrated Care Planning Standard, so that care plans can be effectively shared between patients, carers and all the health and care professionals involved in that person’s care.
Developing a standard for generic care planning, including end of life treatment, will contribute towards the creation of a more joined-up health and care system. Standards will also help to enable people to manage their own care, with the support of a wide range of services including GPs, hospitals, occupational therapy and social care. Once the standard is agreed, NHS Digital will develop technical specifications, based on the standard. The plan is for these specifications to be incorporated into standard clinical IT system contracts to build capabilities into acute hospital, GP, community, mental health and social care systems, to enable sharing of care and support plan information. When a generic care plan is agreed it will be possible to create more specific care plans for a range of conditions including chronic conditions and end-of-life care.
We are currently gathering evidence and good practice examples and seeking contributions from professionals across health and social care. If you’d like to contribute, please contact us at info@theprsb.org. The second phase of the project will include a consultation process and workshops, before the standard is put together ready for review.