IMS MAXIMS becomes conformant against the eDischarge Summary Standard

Ensuring e-discharge summaries share the right information to provide safe and continuous care is vital, especially in these pressured times. IMS MAXIMS, a major supplier of healthcare systems, has achieved PRSB’s Quality Mark for conformance against the eDischarge Summary Standard, signalling their commitment to advancing best digital clinical practice to improve care.

The PRSB’s eDischarge Summary Standard ensures all relevant information, such as diagnoses, medications, procedures and allergies, is shared with GPs in order to improve the quality and consistency of care and reduce risks and errors.

IMS MAXIMS is one of the UK and Ireland’s leading patient administration systems (PAS), and electronic patient record systems (EPRs) suppliers. Achieving the Quality Mark will help IMS MAXIMS demonstrate that their e-Discharge module for electronic patient record (EPR) meets the requirements of professionals who set the standard and that their PRSB Quality Mark provides evidence of their best practice to their clients.

Speaking about the conformance process and achievement, Nicola Cranfield, Clinical Solutions Lead at IMS MAXIMS, said: “We always look for ways to improve our product and demonstrate its excellence. The PRSB team provided useful guidance and helped us improve data integration in our eDischarge module. Collaboration was an element that we particularly valued in our conformance assessment process – both the PRSB and IMS MAXIMS took a joined-up approach to help overcome challenges with the interpretation of value sets.

“It was such a delight working with the PRSB team on achieving conformance against the eDischarge Summary Standard. We are looking forward to working with you on the next standard as we learnt so much and are amazed at how useful the conformance assessment is across all aspects of our work.”

Lorraine Foley, CEO at PRSB, commented: “Many congratulations to IMS MAXIMS for achieving a Quality Mark for their conformance against the eDischarge Summary Standard, which is fundamental to improving patient safety and continuity of care.  This should be the norm for all suppliers and well done to IMS MAXIMS for leading the way.

“The PRSB team is looking forward to working with IMS MAXIMS on the conformance journey with other standards (it gets easier and easier after the first one) and supporting them to excel.”

Find out more about the PRSB Standards Partnership Scheme and how we can support you in your journey towards standards conformance.

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