RCPCH adopts PRSB standards as part of its new child health work
Our healthy child record and outpatient letters standards have been incorporated into the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) standards, which provide definitive guidance for paediatricians on supporting children with ongoing health needs.
Used as part of the RCPCH’s ‘Facing the Future report, our standards will help to support the profession’s goals to deliver safe, sustainable, high-quality services that meet the health needs of every child and young person. Professionals will be able to use the standards to plan and monitor the quality of care provided.
The RCPCH has come together with the Royal College of General Practitioners, the Royal College of Practitioners, The Royal College of Nursing and the Royal College of Psychiatrists to develop this new set of standards.
Facing the Future provides a vision of how paediatric care can be delivered to provide a safe and sustainable, high-quality service that meets the health needs of every infant, child and young person. The full report is available for download via www.rcpch.ac.uk/facingthefuture
Speaking about our involvement, PRSB chief executive Lorraine Foley said: “It is great news that the RCPCH has incorporated our standards in their important work. They will set the precedent for paediatricians and we are delighted the college recognises the importance of standardised information sharing and is communicating this to its members.”
To find out more please contact info@theprsb.org