Community Mental Health: Care Planning

Personalised Care & Support Planning for Mental Health

If we can arrive at broadly agreed standards for [care planing information], then that’s a huge achievement in terms of us moving towards wider interoperability of different systems … so that those care plans are potentially viewable by different clinicians in different sectors, when patients appear either in primary care or elsewhere, from secondary mental health services, basically, so they get continuity of care, and of course, that they can add to that plan themselves as well and start to own that plan. So the patients should really be owning those care plans.

Mental Health Nurse

NHS England

The NHS Long Term Plan, which set out the most ambitious expansion and re-design of mental
health services, resulted in The PRSB being asked to  review the 
 Personalised Care and Support Plan standard to see if it could be used to support people living in the community with ongoing need for help from mental health services.

This section provides resources for clinicians, change managers who are using the planning, analysing, designing and executing a change processes model (as described in the PCSP Implementation Toolkit) to embed the updated PRSB Personalised Care and Support Planning information standard v2.0 (2021), specifically for mental health care planning across their organisations and/or Team.

The CMH Care Plan utilises the updated PCSP standard to record and share care planning information with authorised individuals and professional as appropriate.

Below is a video explaining how the updated PCSP supports professionals and individuals with community mental health care planning.  

The supporting PCSP implementation toolkit, resources and supporting evidence can be accessed using the right-hand navigation toolbar. The resources will help aide your understanding and support you and your organisation on its care planning transformational journey

Below is a video highlighting the importance of implementing the PCSP standard for community mental health care planning.