Developing Implementation Toolkits

This page shows the development of the toolkit including who was involved and the steps taken

If somebody falls ill in any part of the country, the people who are asked to respond should be able to see information that’s valuable in helping them to respond in a standard way. And that goal is such an important goal, that even if we’re uncomfortable with the term standard, it’s self-evident that some element of standardisation is essential for that kind of goal to be delivered.

Senior Leader

NHS England


Development of a digital Personalised Care and Support Planning standard

The PRSB was commissioned in 2017 by NWL Collaboration of CCG’s to set a national standard for recording information pertinent to personalised care and support planning. The standard is suitable for care planning in both health and social care for people with long term conditions or complex needs. The digital Personalised Care and Support Planning standard was approved in March 2018 and received ISN status in Dec 2021

This standard for digital care and support plans enables interoperability between health and social care IT systems and enables access to patients/service users.

Development of the Community Mental Health care planning for PCSP

In 2021, NHS England and NHS Improvement commissioned PRSB to update the Personalised Care and Support Plan (PCSP) standard to ensure it met the needs of adults who live with severe mental health conditions in the community. Co-produced with health and social care professionals, as well as people who use services, the updated standard is designed to help people stay well and live the best lives they can at home or in supported accommodation.

This PCSP implementation toolkit is a key output from a project funded by NHS England and NHS Improvement. Between April and July 2021 the project team worked with transformation partners in two Mental Health Trusts to collect and curate resources and support materials that will support Integrated Care Systems (ICS) as the standard is rolled out nationally.

This strand of work has been complemented by a programme of consultation with Electronic Patient Record system (EPR) vendors to help ensure the technology is in place for shareable care records in line with the PCSP standard.

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More people than ever are living with long-term conditions in the UK. This includes both physical and mental health conditions. As a result, there has been a national drive towards providing people with consistent, personalised care plans.

The PCSP standard is strongly recommended by national bodies and is seen as a key facilitator for integrated care as set out in the NHS Mental Health Implementation Plan 2019/20 – 2023/24 and the NHS Long Term Plan. In the Mental Health Delivery Plan for 2021/22 NHS England and NHS Improvement have asked all mental health services to adopt the PCSP.

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Click below for some more useful links relating to the development of the PCSP Standard

The resources page provides direct links to various policy documents and websites from PRSB and NHS. Engaging with these resources will help you understand the Standard, and why it is important. Using these resources will also help you engage your own stakeholders as you implement the PCSP standard.