This section lays out the vision for safe and person-centred care


Our vision is for health and social care which is safe, person-centred and aligned to the changing needs of people receiving care, their families and carers to:

• Improve the quality and safety of care

• Empower and enable people to own their own health and social care strategies

• Improve people’s experience of health and social care

• Reduce unplanned hospital admissions

• Improve collaboration between professionals



Joined-up Care: Sam's Story (3:38)

Watch Sam’s health and care journey below which highlights the benefits of joined up care for both the patient and the healthcare organisations. Sam’s story also highlights the importance of Personalised Care and Support Planning.

How to achieve the vision

This can be achieved through:

• Care planning –  an iterative process based on relationships and connections between those relying on health/social care services and those who support them – users, carers, professionals, community agencies.

• Care plans – co-created summaries of information that describe how, where and why particular strategies will be most useful to people.

• Shared care plans – accessible to a range of stakeholders with a legitimate and agreed interest in a person’s care, wherever and whenever that will be useful.

Personalised Care & Support Plan – Why Does It Matter?

Dr. Nilesh Bharakhada, Exec Clinical Director PRSB, explains the importance of Personalised Care and Support Planning. Watch the explainer video (right) which explains why PCSP matters and what it will mean for patients.