On this page you will find a useful list of terms, commonly used in our line of work. Would you like to find out more or have a question for us? If so, please get in touch.
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Support and advisory service
Working in partnership with NHS Digital, our help desk service is responsible for answering all clinical queries (including social care) related to all PRSB standards and their implementation. You can contact us by telephone (020 4551 5225), via an online form or by email at
Electronic patient record
An electronic patient record is the health (and care) record for a person using services. It is used in the care and support of a person by professionals or by the person themselves. The information held in an electronic patient record should be shareable across the system and accessible by professionals with a legitimate reason to access the information. A person may have more than one electronic patient record; for example, their GP and a hospital may have a record about them and the care and support they have received or need.
Shared care record
A shared care record brings together health and care information about a person using services from multiple electronic records, held in different organisations, across an area. This means that the information about a person may come from the GP record, hospital records, local authority or care home systems, and is brought together in a record that is shared across the area with professionals with a legitimate reason to access the information.
Person-held record
A person-held record is the information about a person’s health, care and wellbeing. It is managed by the person who the record is about, and they can add to it. Health and care professionals can also add to the record. It must be secure, usable and online. Personal Health Records definition – NHS Digital
Use case
A use case is an action (or series of actions) that an actor performs using a system. An actor is a role rather than an individual and can be human or an external system. For example, a GP (actor) records a patient’s blood pressure (action).
Systematised Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) is a structured clinical vocabulary for use in an electronic patient record. It gives clinical systems a single shared language, which makes exchanging information between systems easier, safer and more accurate. It contains the clinical terms needed for the NHS, from procedures and symptoms through to clinical measurements, diagnoses and medications. The UK edition of SNOMED CT also contains UK extensions. These provide terms specifically required in the UK, such as UK screening procedures and assessment scales.
The Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d) is a dictionary of descriptions and codes which represent medicines and devices in use across the NHS. It is a standard that enables information about medicines and devices to be shared between clinical systems. It includes information such as the indicative price of each pack of a product and current and discontinued products and packs available from manufacturers and suppliers. Dictionary of ) | NHSBSA
NHS Data Model and Dictionary
This is the reference for nationally assured information standards to support health care activities in the NHS in England. It sets out the valid codes or content for recording information in attributes of each data set. About the NHS Data Model and Dictionary (
The Organisation Data Service (ODS) manage identification codes and reference data for organisations that interact with any area of the NHS. ODS codes are needed for NHSmail accounts and sending referral information. NHS Digital ODS Portal
The Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM) is a code system intended to include all units of measures used in international science, engineering and business. It enables information about quantities and their units to be shared between systems. UCUM
Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is the global industry standard for sharing healthcare data between systems. FHIR are part of an international family of standards developed by Health Level-7 UK (HL7). The information models and APIs developed using this standard provide a means of sharing health and care information between providers and their systems, no matter the setting in which care is delivered. FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) – NHS Digital