Digital Maternity Record Standard

Draft pending endorsement.

The Digital Maternity Record Standard (DMRS) V2.0 has been updated to reflect improvements being made to maternity and perinatal care in line with the priorities outlined in NHS England’s three year delivery plan for maternity and neonatal services. 

Health and care professionals, charities, maternity IT system suppliers, representative organisations and people who had used maternity services were invited to help shape the standard through a range of consultation opportunities.

The standard will help to improve the quality of maternity care records and support better information sharing during pregnancy, birth and post-natal care.

As part of the endorsement process, feedback will be reviewed and may lead to changes to the draft standard. Any changes will be shared with stakeholders once updated and a new draft is released.

Current release

Version: V2.0
Release date
July 2024
Next release date
July 2027
Next release type
Scheduled release
The standard
Full standard – PRSB viewer
Publishing soon
Full standard – Excel
New iteration to be published w/c 23/9
Full standard – Json
Publishing soon
Minimum Viable Information Standard (MVIS)
MVIS sets out the data items and business rules that must be implemented to achieve safe, minimum implementation . Read more >
Supporting documentation
Implementation guidance
This document includes general implementation guidance for all PRSB standards and detailed guidance, specific guidance for the Digital Maternity Record Standard can be found in the information model (the standard documentation above).
Business rules
Rules for implementation of the standard.
Final report
Describes the purpose, methodolgy and stakeholder engagement for developing the standard, along with the findings and recommendations for further work.
Safety case report
Summarises the hazards which could result from implementing the standard.
Hazard log
Details the potential hazards from implementing the standard with their risk rating and mitigation.
Provenance data
Defines the information on who made a record entry and who carried out the activity, where and when.
Male And Female Nurse Working At Nurses Station

Need implementation support?

We provide a support and maintenance service for organisations who are using and implementing PRSB standards. Contact us by phone, email or complete our online form. You will get an automated ID number, and a response within 5 working days. All enquiries are used to improve our products and services.

About this standard

The primary goal of the standard is to improve safety and effectiveness in maternity care by making sure health and care records are shareable across different IT systems and healthcare providers. The standard covers antenatal to postnatal care, ensuring its adaptability for future digital updates.

Implementing the standard offers several potential benefits;

  • Improves safety by providing accurate and accessible patient records, reducing errors in care.
  • Improves risk management and information accessibility throughout pregnancy
  • Saves clinical time, reducing duplication of data entry and enabling interoperability among healthcare providers.


  • Personalised care and support plan for maternity
  • Informed consent tool (including decision support tools with patient information aids)
  • Equality & Diversity maternity policy
  • Midwifery continuity of carer
  • Maternal medicine
  • Fetal medicine
  • Perinatal pelvic floor health
  • Smoking cessation
  • MEWS / NEWTT-2
  • Postnatal GP
  • Perinatal mental health 

How it works

The refreshed Digital Maternity Record Standard aims to standardise and define the optimal data structure and format for electronic maternity patient records. It is intended for use by clinicians to capture data while providing direct maternity care. This standard will also facilitate the exchange of information between maternity providers, enhancing the quality and safety of care.

The updated standard comprises 52 sections, including 15 new sections to reflect new models of care and current maternity best practices. The information model delineates conformance levels (mandatory, required, and optional) and the cardinality for each data element. The conformance and cardinality have been determined from the viewpoint of the professional completing the record.

Many of the items in the standard are shown as required. This information should be recorded when it is available and relevant. However, these items do not always need to be recorded, as some are only pertinent to specific scenarios. 

Name Conformance Description
Person demographics R The person’s details and contact information.
GP practice R Details of the person’s GP practice.
Admission details R Admission details
Alcohol record R Details of a person’s alcohol record
Personal contacts R The details of the individual’s personal contacts.
Discharge details R Discharge details
Clinical risk factors R Relevant clinical risk factors
Allergies and adverse reactions R Allergies and adverse reactions
Assessments R Details of the person’s assessments
Contacts with professionals R The details of the person’s contact with a professional.
Birth and baby details M Group containing birth and baby details
            Birth Outcome M The outcome of the birth
Examination findings R Examination findings
Observations R The record of essential physiological measurements, e.g., heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, pulse, height, weight, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation.
Family history R Family history
Vaccinations R Details of vaccinations.
Maternity episode details M Pregnancy episode details
Individual requirements R The individual requirements of the person.
National screening programmes R Details of the person’s participation in national screening programmes.
History R Group containing details of past clinical and social care history
Information and advice given R Information and advice given.
Investigation results R Investigation results
Medications and medical devices R Medications and medical devices
Labour details R Pregnancy outcome delivery and birth
Care and support plan R This records the decisions reached during conversation between the individual and health and care professional about future plans and also records progress.
Plan and requested actions R The details of planned investigations, procedures and treatment, and whether this plan has been agreed with the person or their legitimate representative.
Procedures and therapies R The details of any procedures performed. Includes both psychological and medical therapies and procedures (e.g. cognitive behaviour therapy, hip replacement)
Clinical Summary R Clinical Summary
        Clinical summary R Summary of the encounter. Where possible, very brief. This may include interpretation of findings and results; differential diagnoses, opinion and specific action(s). Planned actions will be recorded under ‘plan’.
        Clinical narrative R A description detailing a person’s reason for attendance, results from the diagnostic and treatment process.
National Screening Programme Results R
Referral details R The details of the referral.
Safeguarding R The safeguarding details of the person.
Risks R Details of any risks related to the person.
Fetal scan report R Group containing data items from a fetal scan report
Past gynaecological history R Group containing details of a person’s past gynaecological history
Past Obstetric history R Group containing details of a person’s past Obstetric history
Perinatal pelvic health R Group containing data concepts relating to perinatal pelvic health
Social context R The social setting in which the person lives, such as their household, occupational history, and lifestyle factors.
Legal information R The legal information relating to the person.
About me R About me
            Professional contacts R The details of the person’s professional contacts.
Additional support plans R Additional support plans
Alerts R Details of alerts.
Diagnoses R Diagnoses
Formulation R Details of the person’s formulation.
Investigations requested R Details of any investigations requested
Newborn examination results R Group containing details of newborn examination results
NIPE examination results R Group containing details of NIPE examination results
Problem list R A summary of the problems that require investigation or treatment.
Smoking record R Details of the person’s smoking record
Treatments and interventions R Treatments and interventions carried out
Contingency plans R These are the things to do and people to contact, should an individual’s health or other circumstances get worse.

Further resources

  • Minimum Viable Information Standard (MVIS)
    PRSB information standards define best practice based on evidence and widescale consultation and input from users and stakeholders. PRSB recognises that the NHS and social care are on a journey towards standardisation and interoperability and our aim is to support and encourage implementers on that journey. For this reason, we have defined and clinically validated a ‘Minimum Viable Information Standard (MVIS)’ for each of our standards which represent the minimum safe instance of the standard and delivers the intended objectives within the spirit of the standard. The MVIS defines the data items and business rules which must be implemented in order to have achieved this minimum instance. It is our aim that implementers will continue to improve their implementation of the standard over time and strive for a ‘best practice’ implementation, supported and evidenced by PRSB conformance testing. Please contact our support team to receive a copy of the MVIS for this standard.
  • Standards explained
    PRSB’s guide to standards which sets out the purpose and benefits of using standards and how to support frontline professionals to adopt them.
  • IHRIM record correction guidance
    Despite vigilance when filing information in records, mistakes can occur. The Institute of Health Records and Information Management has guidance to support professionals in making corrections following errors.


This standard is in the process of receiving endorsement. A full list of endorsers will be published soon.