Hands - Counselling and Support

Urgent transfer from care home to hospital

PRSB has discovered a potential problem with the PRSB viewer and JSON files for this standard and they may have minor differences to the originally published version. The Excel version is correct. We are continuing to investigate to understand which standards are affected and decide what action is needed to address and resolve the situation.  If you have any concerns, please contact us at support@theprsb.org or via PRSB support services.

Improving information sharing between health and social care is critical to professionals who care for people and the health and wellbeing of people themselves.  The urgent transfer from care home to hospital standard is the information required for the care and support of a person when they are admitted to hospital from a care home in an emergency.

Latest release v1.2

The standard is now aligned with updates to the Core information standard to keep consistency. Please see the detailed V1.2 Release notes, outlining the changes to this latest version.

Sharing information across health and social care

This information standard is part of a wider set of standards, published in November 2020. PRSB was asked by NHS Digital to help to create national standards for sharing information between health and social care, drawing on the learning from successful local projects to speed up national roll out and adoption. 


This standard has been endorsed by the following organisations;

  • British Association for Music Therapy
  • British Dietetic Association
  • British Geriatrics Society
  • British Psychological Society
  • Care Provider Alliance
  • Care Software Providers Association (CASPA)
  • Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
  • Compassion in Dying
  • Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland
  • Institute of Health Records and Information Management
  • Local Government Association
  • Royal College of Emergency Medicine
  • Royal College of General Practitioners
  • Royal College of Nursing
  • Royal College of Occupational Therapists
  • Royal College of Physicians
  • Royal Pharmaceutical Society

New call-to-action

Urgent transfer from care home to hospital v1.2

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Supporting documents

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IHRIM record correction guidance

Despite vigilance when filing information in records, mistakes can occur. The Institute of Health Records and Information Management has guidance to support professionals in making corrections following errors.