
Local health and care records programme - archive

We are working with NHS England to determine what information needs to be shared in a person’s digital health and care record.

UPDATE: This project is now complete. Please visit the core information standard.

The aim of the local health and care records programme is to help local organisations move from today’s position, where each health and care organisation holds separate records for the individuals they care for, to one where an individual’s records are connected up from across the health and care system.

This will help health and care professionals to share information safely and securely as the people they care for move between different parts of the NHS and social care. It also enables individuals to be able to access their records irrespective of which part of the health and care system that has provided them with their care.

Making sure that the right information is available whenever and wherever it is needed for care means information needs to be recorded in a standardised way. Standards enable digital systems to share information without losing or changing its meaning. Not all information will be used all the time and staff’s access will be determined by their role and need. PRSB has produced a set of FAQs and other materials to answer your questions about this, which you can find here.

Consultation process

The draft standard has been developed following extensive consultation with patients, carers and other citizens, health and care professionals and system vendors.


The PRSB conducted a survey as a key part of the work to define the core information that needs to be shared in local health and care records. The survey is now closed and findings will be published shortly. The survey followed on from a series of webinars in February and a successful workshop, which took place in central London earlier this month with more than 60 people.

We value the opinions of everyone involved in health and care, including patients and carers.


Patients, carers and professionals have given their opinions on what and how information should be recorded at various points of care, from birth, through life events, maternity, and end of life. They’ve also helped us begin to determine what social care and mental health information should be made available on a core record.

If you’d like to listen to the webinars, please use the links below:

End of life – 19 Feb 2019
Encounters – 20 Feb 2019
Social Care – 26 Feb 2019
Maternity and Child Health – 26  Feb 2019
Mental Health – 26 Feb 2019
Patient and Carer needs – 27 Feb 2019