Sharing lessons helps trusts to implement standards
PRSB to share lessons learned from trust visits to help others implement standards.
A webinar hosted by the PRSB this month outlined some of the key actions that need to be addressed for wider implementation of the e-discharge standard to ensure information in care records is shared between hospitals and GPs in primary care.
We realise that standards can only have a real impact if they are put into practice by professionals, so we are keen to raise awareness about how useful they are, as well as understand and help overcome any challenges that trusts may encounter when implementing PRSB standards in information systems.
Following a number of site visits in the second half of 2017, we held a webinar in February, which gave dozens of professionals from a wide variety of health and care organisations the opportunity to discuss the next steps that need to be taken to support the implementation of the e-discharge standard for hospital to GP discharge.
According to trusts who are using the e-discharge standard, implementation has increased collaboration between hospital consultants and GPs, as they have had to join forces to make the standard work in practice. Some webinar attendees shared training materials they had been using to help junior doctors fill out the e-discharge summary correctly. We also discussed the importance of clear communications for patients and the potential of patient portals for patients to access their records and results.
NHS Digital is currently working closely with suppliers to develop the technical specifications needed to share messages between computer systems so that e-discharge summaries can help different professionals in health and care provide safe, high quality on-going care. Marrying up standards for care records and the technology to share them digitally will mean that information will be able to be shared appropriately, supporting integration across different services and enhancing continuity of care.
The PRSB is also collating a series of education materials to ensure that standards can be properly understood and used in practice. In addition to the awareness raising videos we released last month, we will be providing specific, targeted support to help different groups, for example helping junior doctors to use the standards for better patient care. Our films can be found on our website here.