Calling all FHIR enthusiasts
The PRSB is working with NHS Digital to provide clinical assurance on the UK’s ‘core FHIR profiles’, which are the technical standards (based on the PRSB standards) that support the sharing of patient information between different computer systems.
The goal is to ensure that the right clinical information can be shared between systems in the NHS and social care, using the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources technical standards, so we can improve the way health and care is provided for people.
To participate in the first phase of this clinical and technical assurance process please read the guidance material. The content to be reviewed is contained in the UK Core Snapshot.
There are also training materials for clinicians who would like to learn more about these technical standards and how they can support their work.
If you are interested in helping to shape the UK core FHIR profiles from a clinical perspective, please visit the website to provide feedback. The review period is three weeks from 7 December 2020 – 8 January 2021. A call will be held on 22 January from 9:30-11:30 to discuss your feedback.
There will also be a series of calls taking place in February to specifically discuss the allergies profile (the technical standard that determines how information about allergies is shared between systems, and is based on the PRSB allergies module). These will take place on 23 February from 11am to 1pm, 25 February from 11am to 1pm, and 2 March from 11am to 1pm. There will also be an external consultation call on 9 April from 9.30am to 11.30am and a session on lessons learned on 16 April from 10am to 11am.
Please contact if you would like to join any of these sessions.