Our strategy 2022/23

PRSB exists to ensure the voices and expertise of its members and stakeholders (people, health and social care professionals, system suppliers and others) are fully represented in prioritising, developing and deploying standards to deliver better care digitally. This page outlines our plans and priorities for 2022/23.

Our role and value in the health and care system

Bringing people together

PRSB’s purpose is to bring together all the disciplines across health and care with people who use those services to define the information needed to support high quality, integrated care. We are experts in developing care record standards that are widely supported and endorsed by UK-wide bodies.  We manage and maintain those standards and ensure consistency so that standards remain current and relevant.

Representing your interests

Our role encompasses much more than codifying the standards.  We represent everyone who has a stake in digitising health and care, from setting priorities for standards through to ensuring they are implemented in a way that is helpful and useful rather than an additional burden on a hard-pressed workforce. We support suppliers and providers to support them on their journey to interoperable data and to provide independent assurance of conformance with our standards.

Together we are stronger

Our combined views inform national bodies and governments across the UK. We play a valuable and influential role in developing solutions that support the work of professionals and suppliers and enable delivery of the kind of integrated care that we all want.

Our vision for the future

Our work strives to create a system where…

People can easily access, use and update information in their care records and are enabled to self-manage their own care

Truly integrated care is the norm with information centred on the person rather than the care setting

Standards are in widespread use (they are useful, usable and used) and delivering the benefits they promise universally, rather than for the few

Standards, and the digital solutions they enable, are implemented in ways that enhance the work experience of professionals enabling them to be efficient and effective and deliver better care for their patients

Access to the standardised data needed for best care is a normal part of the working life of professionals with recognition that ‘data is care’

Strategy and business plan 2022/23

Four key themes

The focus of our strategy for 2022/23 is on four key areas outlined here. 

Click on the panels on the right to find out more about each of these work streams.

PRSB strategy plan 2022/23