Empowering efficient and connected care with the PRSB e-Discharge Summary Standard

Nicola Cranfield, Clinical Solutions Lead and CSO at IMS MAXIMS, explains why other system suppliers should follow their example and become conformant against the PRSB’s e-Discharge Summary standard to improve sharing of information at discharge and enable continuity of care.  Within IMS MAXIMS, we understand technology’s crucial role in delivering high-quality, patient-centred care and optimising […]

10 years of driving better health and care outcomes with information standards

  Our CEO, Lorraine Foley, reflects on our 10th anniversary event on 21 September. On 21 September, having succumbed to COVID, I was relegated to watching our Annual General Meeting and 10th anniversary celebrations on a small screen from afar. I was disappointed as there was obviously such a great vibe in the room and […]